
BeyondTracks was started by Andrew Harvey and Anna Wu in November 2012 with the goal of helping people find and enjoy walks around Sydney without needing a guide to take you.

To suggest a walk, correction or provide website feedback please email us at info@beyondtracks.com.

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Website Credits

Map Credits

Tech Stack

BeyondTracks is thankful to the following free and open source projects used to build this site. Vue, Vuetify, Nuxt, PostgreSQL, PostGIS, GDAL/OGR, Mapbox GL JS, Maplibre GL JS, Tippecanoe, TurfJS, Photoswipe, Dygraphs, Luxon, Moment, justified-layout, suncalc, tz-lookup, osmium, osm2pgsql, ImageMagick, rio-rgbify, NodeJS, Debian, among others. In addition to services provided by Flickr, GitLab, DigitalOcean, BinaryLane and Komoot (Photon).


The information on this website is provided in good faith and without warranty (express or implied). We attempt to make the information accurate and current but cannot guarantee this.

We do not accept responsibility for loss or damage arising from your use of any information on this website or any information you download from it. You access and use material at your own risk.


While using the BeyondTracks website (www.beyondtracks.com) we collect and store some information you provide to us including your IP address, geolocation, browser user agent, website assets requested along with a datetime stamp. This information is used for analytics purposes. This information is also made available to some third parties through the use of their APIs including Google (www.google.com) and The Dark Sky Company (darksky.net).